To serve in the promotion, administration and coordination of all Ohio Lions sponsored youth activities. Specifically, the Youth Committee duties shall be to serve as an advisory body in the promotion and coordination of Lions sponsored prevention and education on Drug Awareness Programs throughout Multiple District 13, and to promote and coordinate foreign youth exchanges, the International Peace Poster Contest, and other youth related projects or programs such as Leo’s, Youth Camps, Good Program, or others which may arise.
Committee Members
District Members
OH1: PCC Darlene Roll *
OH2: PDG James (JJ) Jeavons
OH3: IPDG Becky Thornton
OH4: Pat Bissler
OH5: William "Bill" Phythyon
OH6: Robert Borger **
OH7: PDG Fred Boring
Ex-Officio Members
Camp Echoing Hills
Lion Cordell Brown
Kamp Dovetail
Lion Rhonda Campell
* State Youth Committee Chair
** Asst Youth Committee Chair
Governor Liaison: DG Toni Gray
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