
To facilitate the long term planning of Multiple District 13 and the Ohio Lions through cooperative efforts on behalf of the Council of Governors in the areas of financial management and strategic planning.

Committee Members

District Members

OH1: PDG Judy Smith

OH2: Lion Mike Kelley

OH3: PDG Randy Goff

OH4: PDG Tony DeLuke *

OH5: PCC David Risen

OH6: PCC Don Robinette

OH7: PDG Rick Tipple

Ex-Officio Members

Immediate Past ID
IPID Ron Keller

Past International Director
PID Steve Thornton

Past International Director
PID Jerry Smith

Past International Director
PID Steven Sherer

MD13 Council Chair
CC Mike Kerek

Immediate Past Council Chair
IPCC David Stockum

MD13 Secretary
MDS PDG Deborah Luttrell

MD13 Treasurer
MDT PCC Jay Gray

Assistant MD13 Treasurer
Asst MDT PDG Randy Goff

Liaisons Committee Chair
PDG Jeff Hatfield

* State Committee Chair
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Governor Liaisons: DG Lilane Fox