It's easy to get confused or overwhelmed by the use of acronyms and abbreviations, especially when you factor in texting and social media. To help alleviate this problem and bring some clarity to our lives I'm attempting to document some of the more common abbreviations. And although I do not have the time or expertise to include all the abbreviation used in our lives today, I thought it would be appropriate to concentrate on the ones that are related to Ohio Lions.
PDG Jay Deutschman
Ohio Lions Webmaster
Abbreviations Commonly used by Ohio Lions
AMDS - Assistant Multiple District Secretary
AMDT - Assistant Multiple District Treasurer
ARC - Assistant Region Chair
AZC - Assistant Zone Chair
BCF - Betty Coffey Fellowship
CA - Constitutional Area
LCI has eight (8) constitutional areas which are often listed as CA 1-8; or CA I, CA II, CA III, CA IV, CA V, CA VI, CA VII and CA VIII. Ohio is part of Constitutional Area 1.
C&BL - Constitution and By-Laws
CC - Council Chairperson
CCE - Council Chairperson Elect
Newly elected CC's are classified as "elected" until their official term starts.
CEA - Club Excellence Award
CEP - Club Excellence Program
COG - Council of Governors
COLEB - Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank
CS - Cabinet Secretary
CT - Cabinet Treasurer
CST - Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer
For the case where the same person is both Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Treasurer.
DA - District Administrator
DDG - Deputy District Governor
(obsolete) Previous name for Vice District Governor. There was a Senior and Junior DDG.
DG - District Governor
DGE - District Governor Elect
Newly elected DG's are classified as "elected" until their official term starts.
FVDG - First Vice District Governor
Also abbreviated as 1VDG. See SVDG.
F&P - Finance & Planning
GAT - Global Action Team
GET - Global Extension Team
GLT - Global Leadership Team
GMA - Global Membership Approach
GMT - Global Membership Team
GST - Global Service Team
ID - International Director
IP - International President
IPCC - Immediate Past Council Chair
IPDG - Immediate Past District Governor
IPID - Immediate Past International Director
IPIP - Immediate Past International President
IFVP - International First Vice President
ISVP - International Second Vice President
ITVP - International Third Vice President
IVP - International Vice President
There are three (3) International Vice Presidents. See IFVP, ISVP and ITVP.
JDDG - Junior Deputy District Governor
(obsolete) Previous name for the 2nd VDG. See SDDG.
JOH - Journey of Hope
An award created to honor major contributions to the Ohio Lions Pediatric Cancer Foundation.
JTCF - James T. Coffey Fellowship
LCI - Lions Clubs International
LCIF - Lions Clubs International Foundation
LERC - Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center
LEHP - The Lions Eye Health Program
LITPC - Lions International Trading Pin Club
M&C - Marketing & Communications
MD - Multiple District
MD13 - Multiple District 13
Ohio Lions. There are currently seven (7) sub-districts: OH1, OH2, OH3, OH4, OH5, OH6 and OH7.
MDS - Multiple District Secretary
MDT - Multiple District Treasurer
MDST - Multiple District Secretary/Treasurer
For the case where the same person is both MD Secretary and MD Treasurer.
MERL - Membership, Extension, Retention and Leadership
(obsolete) The MERL Team was a predecessor to the current GAT and related Teams.
MJF - Melvin Jones Fellowship
MMR - Monthly Membership Report
The old 5-part hardcopy forms have been replaced with an editable PDF (C23A-en), or the data may be reported in the Lion Portal. Also see WMMR.
NAMI - North America Membership Initiative
NAMI is being replace with the Global Membership Approach (GMA)
NWOLECF - Northwest Ohio Lions Eye Care Foundation
OH1 - District 13 OH1
OH2 - District 13 OH2
OH3 - District 13 OH3
OH4 - District 13 OH4
OH5 - District 13 OH5
OH6 - District 13 OH6
OH7 - District 13 OH7
OLF - Ohio Lions Foundation
OLERF - Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation
OLPCF - Ohio Lions Pediatric Cancer Foundation
OLPTC - Ohio Lions Pin Traders Club
OLSHF - Ohio Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation
OSSB - Ohio State School for the Blind
PCC - Past Council Chairperson
PDG - Past District Governor
PDGA - Past District Governor Association
PID - Past International Director
PIP - Past International President
PMJF - Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship
PRAM - Public Relations and Marketing
(obsolete) Previous name for the Marketing & Communications committee.
PU-101 - Club Officer Reporting Form
The old carbon-copy form has been replaced with an editable PDF (PU101-en), or the data can be reported in the Lion Portal.
RC - Region Chairperson
RLLI - Regional Lions Leadership Institute
SDDG - Senior Deputy District Governor
(obsolete) Previous name for the 1st VDG. See JDDG.
SEA - State Executive Administrator
(obsolete) Previous name for the MDST. We currently have a MDS and a MDT in place of a MDST.
S&H - Sight & Hearing
SVDG - Second Vice District Governor
Also abbreviated as 2VDG. See FVDG.
SVOSH - Student Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity
VCC - Vice Council Chairperson
VCCE - Vice Council Chairperson Elect
Newly elected VCC's are classified as "elected" until their official term starts.
VDG - Vice District Governor
Each district in Ohio has two (2) Vice District Governors, a First and Second VDG. See FVDG and SVDG.
VDGE - Vice District Governor Elect
Newly elected VDG's are classified as "elected" until their official term starts.
VOSH - Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity
WMMR - Web-based Monthly Membership Reporting
(obsolete) First attempt at online club membership and activity reporting. It was replaced with MyLCI, and later with the Lion Portal used today.
WRDBF - W. R. "Dick" Bryan Fellowship
ZC - Zone Chairperson
If you have any abbreviations you would like to see added to the list, please send them to