• Pilot Dogs
  • Camp Echoing Hills Village
  • Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank
  • Lions Eye Bank of West Central Ohio
  • The Sight Center of Northwest Ohio
  • KAMP Dovetail
  • Columbus Speech and Hearing
  • Ohio Lions Pediatric Cancer Foundation
  • Pilot Dogs

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

It's easy to get confused or overwhelmed by the use of acronyms and abbreviations, especially when you factor in texting and social media.  To help alleviate this problem and bring some clarity to our lives I'm attempting to document some of the more common abbreviations.  And although I do not have the time or expertise to include all the abbreviation used in our lives today, I thought it would be appropriate to concentrate on the ones that are related to Ohio Lions.

PDG Jay Deutschman
Ohio Lions Webmaster

Abbreviations Commonly used by Ohio Lions


AMDS - Assistant Multiple District Secretary

AMDT - Assistant Multiple District Treasurer

ARC - Assistant Region Chair

AZC - Assistant Zone Chair

BCF - Betty Coffey Fellowship

CA - Constitutional Area

LCI has eight (8) constitutional areas which are often listed as CA 1-8; or CA I, CA II, CA III, CA IV, CA V, CA VI, CA VII and CA VIII.  Ohio is part of Constitutional Area 1.

C&BL - Constitution and By-Laws

CC - Council Chairperson

CCE - Council Chairperson Elect

Newly elected CC's are classified as "elected" until their official term starts.

CEA - Club Excellence Award

CEP - Club Excellence Program

COG - Council of Governors

COLEB - Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank

CS - Cabinet Secretary

CT - Cabinet Treasurer

CST - Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer

For the case where the same person is both Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Treasurer.

DA - District Administrator

DDG - Deputy District Governor

(obsolete) Previous name for Vice District Governor.  There was a Senior and Junior DDG.

DG - District Governor

DGE - District Governor Elect

Newly elected DG's are classified as "elected" until their official term starts.

FVDG - First Vice District Governor

Also abbreviated as 1VDG.  See SVDG.

F&P - Finance & Planning

GAT - Global Action Team

GET - Global Extension Team

GLT - Global Leadership Team

GMA - Global Membership Approach

GMT - Global Membership Team

GST - Global Service Team

If you have any abbreviations you would like to see added to the list, please send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..