Formed in 2016, the Ohio Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation (OLSHF) is a 501(c) (3) charitable foundation. Members are selected according to the Foundation’s constitution and governance.
Foundation Members
Foundation President
Lion Robert Medley (OH5) *
PDG Cindy Palmentera (OH3)
Medical Director
Dr. Richard Lehrer (OH4)
Lion Mark Norin (OH3)
Legal Director
PDG Josie Prokop (OH3)
At-Large Trustee
DG Lilane Fox (OH7)
District Trustees
OH1: PDG Bill Niejadlik **
OH2: PCC Greg Hess
OH3: Lion Jim Prokop
OH4: Lion Ray Dellmore
OH5: Lion Paul Hogrell
OH6: Lion Judy Hacker
OH7: PDG Mary Bumpus
* Foundation President
** Sight & Hearing Committee Chair
Governor Liaison: DG Lilane Fox