
Formed in 1985, the Ohio Lions Foundation (OLF) is a 501(c) (3) charitable foundation dedicated to humanitarian and eyesight related charitable activities. Examples include disaster relief grants, a college scholarship program, a low vision reader program, and managing restricted funds set up by Lions Clubs.  Members are selected according to the Foundation’s constitution and governance. 

Foundation Members

District Trustees
OH1: PDG Sheryl Burnette

OH2: PCC Stan Kopp

OH3: Lion Jacky Grimm

OH4: PDG Ron Anderson

OH5: PCC John B. Cosgray *

OH6: Lion James Faust

OH7: PDG Larry Roberts

At-Large Trustees
PDG Gary Garret (OH2)

PDG Dan Lester (OH3) **

PDG Carol Snyder (OH4)

Lion Jim Cook (OH6)

Lion James Faust (OH6)

Trust Advisor - Coffey Fund
PDG Rob Murry

Trust Advisor - Cody & Roberts Funds
Lion John Sweeney

Financial Advisor
Tim McGarvey, CFP

Technical Advisor
Lion Nolan Crabb

* Foundation President
** Foundation Executive Secretary (primary contract)
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Governor Liaison: DG Patty Moorman

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