• Pilot Dogs
  • Camp Echoing Hills Village
  • Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank
  • Lions Eye Bank of West Central Ohio
  • The Sight Center of Northwest Ohio
  • KAMP Dovetail
  • Columbus Speech and Hearing
  • Ohio Lions Pediatric Cancer Foundation
  • Pilot Dogs

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

We ServeOhio Lions is a division of Lions Clubs International and was founded in 1920 with the charter of the first Ohio Lions Club in Cleveland, Ohio. We were the 13th state to join the association and therefore known as Multiple District 13 Ohio Lions. There are 354 Lions Clubs in Ohio with 9500+ members. All Lions Club members are devoted men and women serving the needs of their communities.

Our Mission is to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

Our Motto is We Serve.

Lions from Ohio have always been active at the International level. Presently Ohio has four active Past International Directors: PID Steve Sherer, Dover Lions Club, 2006-2008; PID Jerry Smith, Wauseon Lions Club, 2009-2011; PID Steve Thornton, Wooster Lions Club, 2018-2021; and IPID Ron Keller, Millersport Lions Club, 2022-2024.  The Lions of Ohio are recognized around the world for their organization and leadership. We proudly stand out at events with our traditional red coats and vests.

Administration of the Ohio Lions is performed by the Council of Governors. This council consists of the District Governors from each of the Sub-Districts in Ohio, plus a Chairman of Council. The incoming governors elect the Chairman of Council from the previous year’s governors. They hold four Council meetings a year. The activities of the Ohio Lions are guided by their Constitution and By-Laws.Ohio Lions state office building

Ohio Lions, Inc. has one paid employee, a Multiple District Secretary who works for the Council of Governors. Virtually every other function of Lion’s work is carried out by volunteers, which assures that all money earmarked for charity is used for its intended purpose. A state office building was purchased in 1995 in the Columbus area to reduce operating expenses and provide a more effective environment to carry out Lions business.

Ohio Lions hold one major business session each year. The State Convention includes business sessions, seminars, a spouses program and a large banquet with a prominent speaker. These events are open to all Lions and guests. The State Convention also includes caucuses and voting on constitutional issues and reports from the Council of Governors and State committees. Each Lions Club may send one voting delegate for every ten active members. The Winter Retreat is held yearly and is considered a Forum. Primary purpose is to present seminars on the latest information and technology available to Lions clubs. Also is a luncheon highlighting a motivation speaker.

Ohio Lions, Inc.

4074 Hoover Road
Grove City, OH 43123

Phone: 614-539-5060
Fax: 614-539-5055

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.ohiolions.org

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