Who - West Liberty Lions Club, OH-1
What - Pancake Breakfast
When - Saturday, February 1st, 8:00 to 11:00 AM
Who - Holgate Lions Club, OH-1
What - Pancake Breakfast
When - Saturday, February 1st, 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM or until sold out
What - OH-7 District Convention
When - Friday, February 28th through Sunday, March 2nd. Convention registration deadline is Friday, February 14th
Where - The Crossroads, 2095 W. Fair Ave., Lancaster, OH 43130
Attached is the latest Ohio Lions eNewsletter—Enjoy!
You can still find it, and past issues, online at: http://www.ohiolions.org/news-events/newsletters.
If you have content that you would like to have included in the next issue please send it to Lion Brian Fox at
The release schedule of the newsletter will be: February 28, 2025 (deadline of February 21) and June 1, 2025 (deadline of May 23)
Would you like to purchase advertisement space in the 105th Annual Ohio Lions State Convention Commemorative Program? Perhaps your Lions Club, Lions related group, or a local business would like to advertise too. The attached application form has all the details needed to allow you to buy an ad that’s right for you.
If you have any questions please contact PDG Jim Ferritto at 440-223-6138 or
Application must be submitted with payment no later than March 15, 2025.