What - OH-7 District Convention
When - Friday, February 28th through Sunday, March 2nd. Convention registration deadline is Friday, February 14th
Where - The Crossroads, 2095 W. Fair Ave., Lancaster, OH 43130
Details - Now is the time to get your registrations in for OH-7’s District Convention in Lancaster. Full registration is only $65. Attached are the convention flyer and registration form. Please fill out the registration form and send it in with your check(s) to Lion Cathy Dardis at 5718 Havensport Road Carroll, OH 43112. Registration deadline is Friday, February 14th.
Hotel information - If you plan to stay overnight or for the weekend in Lancaster, make your room reservations NOW at the Hampton Inn, 2041 Schorrway Dr., Lancaster, OH 43130. Reservations can be made by using the QR Code on the registration form or calling 740-654-2999. Lions Rate is $112 plus tax per night. Rate is available until Saturday, February 1st. If you call, make sure you tell them you are with the OH-7 Lions Convention to get the rate! Complimentary breakfast is included in your hotel stay.
Contact - Make checks payable to “Ohio Lions District OH7 Inc." and put “Convention” in the memo line. Send payment to:
Lion Cathy Dardis, 5718 Havensport Road, Carroll, OH 43112